New users to the system can be imported from a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. This can save time especially if you have a large user count and need an automated way to create users. You can also export users from the system to a spreadsheet.
If your system does not have this app available, you can install it via the Marketplace.
You can find this feature in the menu system at the following location:
<navigation>System|Accounts Manager|Account Import</navigation>
To import users you must have a well-formed CSV file of the users. A template is available with field headers and sample data to guide you through the process. The template is dynamically created - fields will be added or removed based on the user plugins you have installed (OpenVPN, Dropbox etc.).
Click on the “Download CSV Template” to copy a current version of the template to your desktop.
To start the upload:
If your import reports errors, note the users that had problems and fix them. The system will not import users that have already been added.
It is important to ensure that the utility you use to create your import CSV file follow the exact same format as the export sample file. One common problem users encounter is that when exporting/saving their CSV from a spreadsheet program like Excel or OpenOffice Calc, the export file will strip (remove) the double quotations around fields and data. This will lead to import errors.
"core.username","core.password","core.first_name","core.last_name" "wshatner","1234","William","Shatner"
core.username,core.password,core.first_name,core.last_name wshatner,1234,William,Shatner
When you are finished editing the template in Open Office Calc, select “File –> Save As”.
Select the “File Type” down arrow and select “Text CSV”. In doing so, the “Edit filter settings” checkbox will become enabled.
Make sure to check the box “Edit filter settings” before clicking “Save”.
Once you click “Save”, you may be asked whether you want to keep the existing format or save in ODF Format. Select “Keep Currnet Format”. A dialog box will open allowing you to customize your CSV settings. Ensure the following settings:
Character Set: UTF-8 Field Delimiter: , (comma) Text Delimiter: “ (double quote)
Click “Save”. You can now upload this import file to your ClearOS server and begin the import.
There is no direct way of saving a csv file with all fields quoted in any version of Excel (latest is currently Excel 2016). Microsoft have published a macro here to get round the issue.